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Contemporary Europe I -- HI104

This guide will provide resources that may be needed during the HI-104: Contemporary Europe I course.

Library of Congress Call Numbers

These call numbers are related to the subject matter in your course. You can use these subject areas to browse the shelves. Click on the main heading to open the list and see call numbers. Click on the heading to close the list again.

D         1-2027    History (General)

204-475               Modern history, 1453-
219-234                               1453-1648
242-283.5                           1601-1715. 17th century
251-271                                              Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648
274.5-6                                               Anglo-French War, 1666-1667
275-276                                              War of Devolution, 1667-1668
277-278.5                                           Dutch War, 1672-1678

279-280.5                                           War of the Grand Alliance, 1688-1697
281-283.5                                           War of Spanish Succession, 1701-1714
284-297                               1715-1789. 18th century
291-294                                               War of Austrian Succession, 1740-1748
297                                                       Seven Years' War, 1756-1763
299-475                               1789-
301-309                                               Period of the French Revolution
351-400                                               19th century. 1801-1914/1920
371-379                                                               Eastern question
383                                                                        1815-1830. Congress of Vienna
385-393                                                               1830-1870
394-400                                                               1871-       . Later 19th century
410-475                                               20th century
461-475                                                               Eastern question
501-680                                               World War I (1914-1918)

DA       1-995   History of Great Britain

10-18.2                British Empire. Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth
20-690                 England
20-27.5                                General
28-592                                 History
28-35                                                    General
40-89.6                                                Political, military, naval, and Air Force history. Foreign relations
90-125                                 Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
129-592                               By period
129-260                                               Early and medieval to 1485
140-199                                                               Celts. Romans. Saxons. Danes. Normans
200-260                                                               1154-1485. Angevins. Plantagenets. Lancaster-York
300-592                                               Modern, 1485-
310-360                                                               Tudors, 1485-1603
350-360                                                                               Elizabeth I, 1558-1603. Elizabethan age
385-398                                                               Early Stuarts, 1603-1642
400-429                                                               Civil War and Commonwealth, 1642-1660
430-463                                                               Later Stuarts
498-503                                                               1714-1760
505-522                                                               George III, 1760-1820
550-565                                                               Victorian era, 1837-1901
566-592                                                               20th century
700-745              Wales
700-713                               General
714-722.1                           History
750-890               Scotland
750-757.7                           General
757.9-826                           History
757.9-763                                           General
765-774.5                                           Political and military history. Antiquities, etc.
774.8-826                                           By period
777-790                                                               Early and medieval to 1603
783.2-783.45                                                                     War of Independence, 1285-1371 viii
783.5-790                                                                           Stuarts, 1371-1603
800-814.5                                                           1603-1707/1745
807                                                                                        The Union, 1707
813-814.5                                                                           1707-1745. Jacobite movements
815-826                                                               19th-20th centuries
900-995               Ireland
900-908.7                           General

909-965                               History

909-916.8                                           General

920-927                                               Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography

930-965                                               By period

930-937.5                                                           Early and medieval to 1603

933.3                                                                                    English conquest, 1154-1189

938-966.2                                                           Modern, 1603-

949.5                                                                                    The Union, 1800

949.7-965                                                                           19th-20th centuries. Irish question

963                                                                                                        1922- . Republic of Ireland. Irish Free State

DAW    1001-1051     History of Central Europe

1001-1028                     General
1031-1051                     History

DB       1-3150       History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechoslovakia

1-879                    Austria. Austro-Hungarian Empire
1-20.5                                   General
29-34.5                                Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
35-99.2                                History

35-40.5                                                General

42-49                                                    Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations

51-99.2                                                By period

51-64                                                                    Early and medieval to 1521

60-64                                                                                    Wars with the Turks

65-99.2                                                                1521-

65.2-65.9                                                                            1521-1648

66-69.5                                                                                1648-1740

69.7-77                                                                                1740-1815

80-99.2                                                                                19th-20th centuries

83                                                                                                           Revolution, 1848

96-99.2                                                                                                Republic, 1918-

99-99.1                                                                                                                1938-1955. German annexation. Allied occupation

99.2                                                                                                                       1955-

881-898               Liechtenstein

901-999               Hungary

901-906.7                           General

906.9-920.5                       Description and travel. Antiquities. Ethnography

921-958.6                           History

927-958.6                                           By period

927-932.9                                                           Early to 1792

929-929.8                                                                           Árpád dynasty, 896-1301

929.95-931.9                                                                     Elective kings, 1301-1526

932.95-945                                                         1792-1918. 19th century

934.5-939.5                                                                       Revolution of 1848-1849

940-945                                                                               1849-1918

946-958.6                                                           20th century

955-955.8                                                                           1918-1945. Revolution of 1919-1920

2000-3150          Czechoslovakia

2000-2035                          General. Description and travel. Antiquities. Social life and customs

2040-2043                          Ethnography

2044-2247                          History

2080-2247                                          By period

2080-2133                                                          Early and medieval to 1526

2135-2182                                                          Hapsburg rule, 1526-1918

DC       1-947    History of France

1-20.5                  General
30-34.5                Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
35-424                 History
35-41                                    General
44-59.8                                Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations
60-424                                 By period
60-109                                                 Early and medieval to 1515
62-64                                                                    Gauls. Celts. Franks
64.7-94                                                                476-1328. Merovingians. Carlovingians. Capetians
95-109                                                                 1328-1515
96-101.7                                                                              Hundred Years' War, 1339-1453
101.9-109                                                                           15th century. Jeanne d'Arc, Saint
110-433                                               Modern, 1515-

111-120                                                               1515-1589. 16th century

118                                                                                        Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572

120.8-130                                                           1589-1715. Henri IV, Louis XIII, Louis XIV

131-138                                                               1715-1789. 18th century. Louis XV, Louis XVI

139-249                                                               Revolutionary and Napoleonic period, 1789-1815

251-354.9                                                           19th century

256-260                                                                               Restoration, 1815-1830

261-269                                                                               July Revolution of 1830. July Monarchy, 1830-1848

270-274.5                                                                           February Revolution and Second Republic

275-280.5                                                                           Second Empire, 1852-1870

281-326.5                                                                           Franco-German or Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871

330-354.9                                                                           Later 19th century

361-424                                                               20th century

397                                                                                        1940-1946
921-930               Andorra
941-947               Monaco

DD      1-905             History of Germany

1-21                                       General
51-78                                    Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
84-257.4                              History

84-96                                                    General

99-120                                                 Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations

121-257.4                                           By period

125-174.6                                           Early and medieval to 1519

126-155                                                               Medieval Empire, 481-1273

127-135                                                                               481-918. Merovingians. Carolingians

136-144                                                                               919-1125. Houses of Saxony and Franconia

145-155                                                                               1125-1273. Hohenstaufen period

156-174.6                                                           1273-1519. Houses of Habsburg and Luxemburg

175-257.4                                           Modern, 1519-

176-189                                                               1519-1648. Reformation and Counter-reformation

181-183                                                                               Peasants' War, 1524-1525

184-184.7                                                                           Schmalkaldic League and War, 1530-1547

189                                                                                        Period of Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648

190-199                                                               1648-1815. 18th century. French Revolutionary and Napoleonic period

201-257.4                                                           19th-20th centuries

206-216                                                                               1815-1871

217-231                                                                               New Empire, 1871-1918

228.8                                                                                                    Period of World War I, 1914-1918

233-257.4                                                                           Revolution and Republic, 1918-

258-262                               West Germany

280-289.5                           East Germany

301-454                               Prussia

301-312                                               General

325-339                                               Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography

341-454                                               History

DE       1-100             History of the Greco-Roman world

1-15.5                                  General
23-31                                   Geography
46-73.2                                Antiquities. Civilization. Culture. Ethnography
80-100                                 History

DF        10-951           History of Greece

10-289                                 Ancient Greece
501-649                               Medieval Greece. Byzantine Empire, 323-1453
501-518                                               General
520-542.4                                           Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
545-548                                               Military history. Political history. Empire and papacy
550-649                                               History
550-552.8                                                           General
553-599.5                                                           Eastern Empire, 323/476-1057. Constantine the Great
599.8-649                                                           1057-1453
610-629                                                                               1204-1261. Latin Empire
630-649                                                                               1261-1453. Palaeologi
645-649                                                                                               1453. Fall of Constantinople
701-951                               Modern Greece
701-720                                               General
741-748                                               Social life and customs. Ethnography
750-854.32                                         History
750-760                                                               General
765-787                                                               Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations
801-854.32                                                         By period
801-801.9                                                                           Turkish rule, 1453-1821
802-832                                                                               1821-1913
804-815                                                                                               War of Independence, 1821-1829
816-818                                                                                               Kapodistrias, 1827-1831
833-854.32                                                                         20th century

DG      11-999          History of Italy

11-365                                 Ancient Italy. Rome to 476
401-583.8                           Medieval and modern Italy, 476-

401-421                                               General

431-457                                               Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography

461-583.8                                           History

461-473                                                               General

480-499                                                               Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations

500-583.8                                                           By period

500-537.8                                                                           Medieval, 476-1492

503-529                                                                                               476-1268

530-537.8                                                                                           1268-1492

532-537.8                                                                                                           Renaissance

538-583.8                                                                           Modern, 1492-
539-545.8                                                                                           16th-18th centuries

546-549                                                                                               1792-1815. Napoleonic period

548-549                                                                                                               Kingdom of Italy

550.5-564                                                                                           19th century

552-554.5                                                                                                           1848-1871. Risorgimento

553-553.5                                                                                                                           1848-1849. Austro-Sardinian War

555-575                                                                                                               1871-1947. United Italy (Monarchy)

571-572                                                                                                                               1919-1945. Fascism

576-583.8                                                                                                           1948- . Republic

600-684.72                         Northern Italy

600-609                                               General

610-618.78                                         Piedmont. Savoy

631-645                                               Genoa

651-664.5                                           Milan. Lombardy

670-684.72                                         Venice

691-817.3                           Central Italy

691-694                                               General

731-759.3                                           Tuscany. Florence

791-800                                               Papal States (States of the Church). Holy See. Vatican City

803-817.3                                           Rome (Modern city)

819-875                               Southern Italy

819-829                                               General

831                                                        Sicily and Malta

840-857.5                                           Naples. Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

861-875                                               Sicily

987-999               Malta. Maltese Islands

DH       1-925  History of Low Countries. Benelux Countries

1-23                       General
51-92                    Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
95-207                 History
95-109                 General
113-137                               Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations
141-207                               By period
141-162                                               Early and medieval to 1384
171-184                                               1384-1555. House of Burgundy
185-207                                               Wars of Independence, 1555-1648
401-811               Belgium
401-430                               General
451-492                               Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
503-694                               History
503-527                                               General
540-569                                               Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations
571-694                                               By period
571-584                                                               Early and medieval to 1555
585-619                                                               1555-1794. Spanish and Austrian rule
611-619                                                                               1714-1794. Austrian Netherlands
620-676                                                               1794-1909
631                                                                                        French rule, 1794-1813
650-652                                                                               Revolution of 1830
677-694                                                               20th century
801-811                               Local history and description
901-925               Luxembourg

DJ        1-500      History of Netherlands (Holland)

1-30                       General
51-92                    Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
95-292                 History
95-116                                 General
124-150                               Military, naval, and political history, etc. Foreign relations
151-292                               By period
151-152                                               Early and medieval to 1555
154-210                                               1555-1795. United provinces
180-182                                                               Anglo-Dutch wars, 1652-1667
190-191                                                               War with France, 1672-1678
193                                                                        Anglo-Dutch War, 1672-1674
196-199.2                                                           Stadtholders, 1702-1747
205-206                                                               Anglo-Dutch War, 1780-1784
208-209                                                               War with France, 1793-1795
211                                                        1795-1806. Batavian Republic
215-292                                               19th-20th centuries

DJK      1-77         History of Eastern Europe (General)

26-28                    Ethnography
27                                           Slavic peoples (General)
30-51                    History
61-77                    Local history and description
61-66                                    Black Sea region
71-76                                    Carpathian Mountain region
76.2-76.8                            Danube River Valley
77                                           Pannonia

DK       1-949.5      History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics

33-35.5                Ethnography
36-293                 History
70-112.42                           Early to 1613
70-99.7                                                Rus'
99.8-112.42                                       Muscovy
112.8-264.8                       House of Romanov, 1613-1917
265-265.95                        Revolution, 1917-1921
266-292                              Soviet regime, 1918-1991
293                                      1991-
500                        Regions not limited to one Republic, A-Z
501-949.5            Local history and description
502.3-502.75                     Baltic States
503-503.95                         Estonia
503.92-503.939                                Tallinn
504-504.95                         Latvia
504.92-504.939                                Riga
505-505.95                         Lithuania
505.92-505.939                                Vilnius
507-507.95                         Belarus. Byelorussian S.S.R. White Russia
507.92-507.939                                Minsk
508-508.95                         Ukraine
508.92-508.939                                Kiev
509                                       Southern Soviet Union
509.1-509.95                      Moldova. Moldovian S.S.R. Bessarabia
509.92-509.939                                Chisinau. Kishinev
510-651                               Russia (Federation). Russian S.F.S.R.
541-579                                               Saint Petersburg. Leningrad. Petrograd
588-609                                               Moscow
670-679.5                           Georgia (Republic). Georgian S.S.R. Georgian Sakartvelo
679.2-679.39                                     Tbilisi. Tiflis
680-689.5                           Armenia (Republic). Armenian S.S.R.
689.2-689.39                                     Yerevan. Erevan
690-699.5                           Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan S.S.R.
699.2-699.39                                     Baku
751-781                               Siberia
845-860                               Soviet Central Asia. West Turkestan
901-909.5                            Kazakhstan. Kazakh S.S.R.
909.2-909.39                                     Alma Ata
911-919.5                            Kyrgyzstan. Kirghiz S.S.R. Kirghizia
919.2-919.39                                     Frunze
921-929.5                            Tajikistan. Tajik S.S.R. Tadzhikistan
929.2-929.39                                     Dushanbe
931-939.5                            Turkmenistan. Turkmen S.S.R. Turkmenia
939.2-939.39                                     Ashkhabad
941-949.5                            Uzbekistan. Uzbek S.S.R.
949.2-949.39                                     Tashkent

4010-4800          History of Poland
4120-4122                          Ethnography
4123-4452                          History
4186-4348                                          To 1795
4348.5-4395                                       1795-1918. 19th century (General)
4397-4420                                          1918-1945
4429-4442                                          1945-1989. People's Republic
4445-4452                                          1989-
4600-4800                          Local history and description
4610-4645                                          Warsaw (Warszawa)
4650-4685                                          Gdansk (Danzig)
4700-4735                                          Krakow (Cracow)

DL        1-1180      History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia

1-6.8                    General
20-42.5                Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
43-87                   History
43-49                                    General
52-59                                    Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations
61-87                                    By period
61-65                                                    Earliest to 1387. Scandinavian Empire. Northmen. Vikings
75-81                                                    1387-1900
83-87                                                    1900- . Period of World War I, 1914-1918
101-291               Denmark
101-114.5                           General
121-142.5                           Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
143-263.3                           History
143-151                                               General
154-159.5                                           Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations
160-263.3                                                           By period
160-183.9                                                                           Early and medieval to 1523
162-173.8                                                                                           750-1241. Norwegian rule, 1042-1047
174-183.9                                                                                           1241-1523. Union of Kalmar, 1397
184-263.3                                                                           Modern, 1523-
185-192.8                                                                                           1523-1670
190                                                                                                                        War with Sweden, 1643-1645
192                                                                                                                        War with Sweden, 1657-1660
193-199.8                                                                                           1670-1808
196.3                                                                                                                    Period of Northern War, 1700-1721
201-249                                                                                               1808-1906. 19th century
217-223                                                                                                               Schleswig-Holstein War, 1848-1850
236-239.6                                                                                                           Schleswig-Holstein War, 1864
250-263.3                                                                                           20th century
301-398               Iceland
301-334                               General. Description and travel, etc.
335-380                               History
401-596               Norway
401-414                               General
420-442.5                           Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
443-537                               History
443-451.5                                           General
453-459                                               Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations
460-537                                               By period
460-478                                                               Early and medieval to 1387
480-502                                                               1387-1814. Union of Kalmar, 1397
499                                                                                        War of 1807-1814

500-502                                                                               Union with Sweden, 1814

503-526                                                               1814-1905. 19th century

525                                                                                        Dissolution of the Swedish-Norwegian union, 1905

527-537                                                               20th century. Period of World War II, 1939-1945

601-991               Sweden

601-614.5                           General

621-642                               Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography

643-879                               History

643-651                                               General

654-659                                               Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations

660-879                                               By period

660-700.9                                           Early and medieval to 1523. Union of Kalmar, 1397

701-879                                               Modern, 1523-

701-719.9                                                           Vasa dynasty, 1523-1654. Gustaf II Adolf, 1611-1632

710-712                                                                               Wars with Denmark, Russia, Poland

721-743                                               Zweibrücken dynasty, 1654-1718

733-743                                                               Northern War, 1700-1721

747-805                                               1718-1818

790                                                                        Revolution and loss of Finland, 1809

805                                                                        Union with Norway, 1814

807-859                                               1814-1907. 19th century

860-879                                               20th century

1002-1180          Finland

1002-1014.5                      General

1016-1022                          Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography

1024-1141.6                      History

1024-1033                                          General

1036-1048                                          Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations

1050-1141.6                                      By period

1050-1052.9                                                      Early to 1523

1055-1141.6                                                      Modern, 1523-

1070-1078                                                                          Revolution, 1917-1918. Civil War

1090-1105                                                                          1939-1945

1095-1105                                                                                          Russo-Finnish War, 1939-1940

1122-1135.5                                                                      1945-1981

DP       1-402    History of Spain

1-27           General
44-53         Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
56-272.4   History
56-75                    General
76-86                    Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations
91-272.4              By period
91-96                                    Earliest to 711
92-96                                                    Pre-Roman, Roman, and Gothic periods
97.3-160.8                          711-1516. Moorish domination and the Reconquest
100-123                                               Moors in Spain. Córdoba. Kingdom of Granada
124-133.7                                           Aragon (Catalonia)
134-143.8                                           Castile and Leon
145-152.8                                           León (Asturias)
153-160.8                                           Navarre
161-272.4                           Modern Spain, 1479/1516-
161.5-166                                           1479-1516. Fernando V and Isabel I
170-189                                               1516-1700. Habsburgs
192-200.8                                           1700-1808. Bourbons
201-232.6                                           1808-1886. 19th century

204-208                                                               1808-1814. Napoleonic period

212-220                                                               1814-1868. Bourbon restoration

219-219.2                                                                           Carlist War, 1833-1840

222-232.6                                                           1868-1886

224-226                                                                               Revolution, 1868-1870

230-231.5                                                                           First Republic, 1873-1875

233-272.4                                           20th century. 1886-

250-269.9                                                           Second Republic, 1931-1939

269-269.9                                                                           Civil War, 1936-1939

269.97-271                                                         1939-1975


DP      501-900.22    History of Portugal

501-520              General
528-534.5           Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
535-682.2           History
535-546                              General
547-557                              Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations
558-682.2                           By period
558-618                                               Early and medieval to 1580
568-578                                                              House of Burgundy, 1095-1383
580                                                                      Interregnum, 1383-1385
582-618                                                              House of Aviz, 1385-1580
620-682.2                                           1580-
622-629                                                              1580-1640. Spanish dynasty (Sixty years' captivity)
632-644.9                                                           1640-1816. House of Braganza
645-669                                                              1816-1908
650                                                                                      Revolution of 1820
657                                                                                      Wars of succession, 1826-1840
670-682.2                                                           20th century
674                                                                                      Revolution of October 1910
675-682.2                                                                           Republic, 1910- . Revolution of 1919

DQ       1-851 History of Switzerland

1-20                       General
30-49.5                Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
51-210                 History
51-57                                    General
59-76                                    Military and political history. Foreign relations
78-210                                 By period
78-110                                                 Early and medieval to 1516
88-110                                                                 1291-1516. Federation and independence
111-123                                               1516-1798
124-191                                               19th century
131-151                                                               1789/1798-1815. Helvetic Republic, 1798-1803
154-161                                                               1815-1848. Sonderbund, 1845-1847
171-191                                                               1848-1900
201-210                                               20th century

DR       1-2285            History of Balkan Peninsula

1-11                                       General
20-27                                    Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
32-48.5                                History. Balkan War, 1912-1913
50-50.84                              Thrace
51-98                                    Bulgaria
51-56.7                                                General
62-64.5                                                Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
65-93.47                                              History
65-69.5                                                                General
70-73                                                                    Military and political history. Foreign relations
73.7-93.47                                                          By period
73.7-80.8                                                                            Early and medieval
81-84                                                                                    Turkish rule, 1396-1878
84.9-89.8                                                                            1878-1944
201-296                               Romania
201-206                                              General
211-214.2                                           Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography
215-269.6                                           History
215-218                                                               General

219-229                                                               Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations

238-269.6                                                           By period

238-240.5                                                                           Early and medieval to 1601. Roman period

241-241.5                                                                           Phanariote regime, 1601-1822

242-249                                                                               1822-1881. 19th century

250-266.5                                                                           1866/1881-1944

401-741                               Turkey

401-419                                               General

431-435                                               Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography

436-605                                               History

436-446                                                               General

448-479                                                               Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations

481-605                                                               By period

485-555.7                                                                           1281/1453-1789. Fall of Constantinople, 1453

511-529                                                                               1566-1640. Period of decline

515-516                                                                                               Cyprian War, 1570-1571. Holy League, 1571

531-555.7                                                                           1640-1789

534.2-534.5                                                                                       War of Candia, 1644-1669

556-567                                                                               1789-1861. 19th century

568-575                                                                               1861-1909. War with Russia, 1877-1878

576-605                                                                               20th century. Constitutional movement

901-998                               Albania

901-914.5                                           General

921-926                                               Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography

927-978.52                                         History

927-946                                                               General

947-953                                                               Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations

954-978.52                                                         By period

954-960.5                                                           To 1501

961-969                                                               1501-1912. Turkish rule

969.8-978.52                                                     20th century

1202-2285                          Yugoslavia

1202-1218                                          General

1227-1231                                          Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography

1232-1321                                          History

1232-1249                                                          General

1250-1258                                                          Military, naval, and political history. Foreign relations

1259-1321                                                          By period

1259-1265                                                                          Early and medieval to 1500

1266-1272                                                                          1500-1800

1273-1280                                                                          1800-1918

1281-1321                                                                          1918-

1352-1485                                                          Slovenia

1502-1645                                                          Croatia

1620-1630.5                                                                      Dalmatia

1633-1636.5                                                                      Slavonia

1652-1785                                                          Bosnia and Hercegovina

1802-1928                                                          Montenegro

1932-2125                                                          Serbia

2075-2087.7                                                                      Kosovo

2090-2101.5                                                                      Vojvodina

2106-2124.5                                                                      Belgrade

2152-2285                                                          Macedonia